Food Freedom for Life
Heal your relationship with food and body
Small Group Support for your Intuitive Eating Journey
Over short 12 weeks you will:
Let go of guilt & shame around food & your body.
Work on uncoupling your self-worth from the size of your body.
Process past trauma around food, weight, or your body in a safe space.
Foster a greater connection with your body so you can get in touch with your hunger & fullness cues.
Learn to pay attention to which foods make you feel best, physically & emotionally.
Truly accept that you are not alone in your struggle & that your feelings about food, your body, and dieting are normal & valid.
Share your struggles, hurdles, & wins as you move forward in your journey.
Learn new coping mechanisms & strategies to replace any unhealthy dependence on food & exercise.
Learn to set boundaries for friends & family members who still subscribe to diet culture.
Participating in Food Freedom for Life, Virtual Group Coaching means you are ready to take the next step in your journey to food freedom by connecting with like-minded humans on a more intimate level.
I never though food freedom would feel like this.
I never realised how much dieting affected my life. From the way I saw myself and treated myself as my biggest enemy to undermining my every decision and feeling incompetent, to sabotaging my long term relationship because I didn't believe that I should be worthy of love in body I had. In my head, I wasn't good enough until I would have the body I thought I need to have. With every diet I fell into a deeper hole of self doubt, hate for my self and life I didn't wanna live.
Food Freedom for Life gave me all I ever wished for and so much more.
I realised that living free from dieting and constant fear, how choices I make affects my body, health and life, is so much more than peace with food. I made peace in with my life. I started living now, the life I never dared until I will have the perfect body.
On top of this all, I love the way I feel, I am learning to love my body and my health has been improving.
Katie, 38
Life Beyond
All-inclusive mentorship to find a complete sense of well-being.
Group Coaching means you get weekly support from Vera Prazak, structured education on intuitive eating, and a close community of like-minded individuals that are all working towards one goal; food freedom!
Food Freedom for Life Online Course
Access to my signature self-paced course that will provide you with a framework to see past diets, reconnect to your body, learn to respond to its needs and heal your relationship with food.
The step-by-step tools to help you reach full freedom.
Video guides, workbooks and action steps done for you.

Weekly coaching calls for individual support
Weekly coaching calls facilitated by Vera Prazak to receive individual support and guidance on your recovery journey. You will meet with other Academy members and get a boost of inspiration. Each call you will leave with clarity on how to overcome any barriers you are facing and action steps to move you forward and grow.
Monthly Ceremony to heal your body and mind
Once a month we will meet for a virtual ceremony to help you reconnect with your body and lower your level of stress. We will heal the trauma that has been left on your body by years of dieting and nurture the relationship with your inner child.
These ceremonies are here for you to leave you feeling calmer, safer and happier in your own body.

Community; when you need it the most.
You will become a valuable member of our Facebook community. Here you will find inspiration in others recovery journeys, support and accountability.
This community is here for you to connect, create friendships, ask questions, share your wins and get support from Vera and others when things might be hard.
We are in this together.
The idea of finding food freedom is scary and exciting at the same time.
You want to learn more about the Intuitive Eating Principles and need help applying them to your life.
You are looking for a community to support you along your journey.
You are ready to take your Intuitive Eating Journey to the next step.
You are ready to create health-promoting behaviours that will impact your health in a positive way.
You are ready to live a life of food freedom.
You are looking for an intentional weight loss program.
You only view health in terms of physical health and have
no interest in bettering your mental or emotional health. -
You are looking for a "quick fix."
You need more 1:1 individualized support.
You just want to know what to eat
word from Vera

You are one step closer to a life in food freedom without food rules and binge episodes, where you can move past the guilt and stress around food to create healthy, fulfilling life, right now.
I know exactly why you lose control around food and binge eat.
I know why you feel that the harder you try, the harder it gets.
And I also know how to change this in a matter of weeks.
I have helped hundreds of women recover from diet culture, free their minds from food rules and heal their bodies from the constant cycle of restriction and binge. And I know that YOU CAN TOO!
None of this is your fault. We live in a world filled with a diet culture where weight loss is the key to everything, health, success, love,... I wish, when I was trying to make sense of the plethora of diet advice, there would be someone who would understand, how hard it is to resist, how hards it is to always be good and someone who would tell me that what I need to do is to heal my relationship with food, not to try another diet.
Food Freedom for Life is my response to all of this. The program that helps you live.
Food Freedom for Life
Because everyone deserves the opportunity to heal their relationship with food!
Nobody should have to go through this alone.
I created the exact program I WISH I had when I was struggling.
Food Freedom For Life
Enrollment in 12-week Private Mentorship includes lifetime access to the Food Freedom for Life Online Course.
Rooted in the 10 principles of Intuitive Eating, this self-paced course will give you the tools and know-how you need to truly understand how to implement Intuitive Eating, self-care and a diet-free mindset in your life and say goodbye to the inner diet voice forever.
Vera will personally guide you on how best to work through the course during the 12-week program.
The course includes:
Eleven lessons with 20+ videos working through the 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating
A 180+ page workbook with reflective journaling exercises to help you internalize the concepts and apply them to yourself.
"I accept my body" ceremony to help you overcome body image issues and heal your mind from fatphobia
NOTE - If you have already purchased the course, you will receive a discount equal to the amount you paid for the course!

Lesson 1
Your First Steps towards Food Freedom
Cultivating compassion
Understanding the effect of dieting on your body
Dieter's dilemma and how to choose your own path

Lesson 2
Gaining Trust in Your Body
Get rid of the tools of dieting
Reject the diet mentality in 6 easy steps.

Lesson 3
Let your body speak to you
How to read into and respond to your hunger cues
Why you are still hungry?

Lesson 4
Make Peace with Food
What is unconditional permission to eat?
How to normalise food around us?
Will I ever stop eating?

Lesson 5
Challenging the Food Police
What rules do you follow and how do they affect your life?
How to respond to your inner critic

Lesson 6
Feeling into your Fullness
Fullness vs Satiety
Mindful Eating and Pleasure Principle
The Last Bite threshold

Lesson 7
Why do we really want to eat?
The impact of hunger and fullness on your satisfaction
Your emotional connection to eating

Lesson 8
Coping with your emotions with kindness
How to free yourself from emotional eating.
What drives you to eat emotionally?
How to prevent emotional eating in future.

Lesson 9
Respect Your Body
Letting go of the perfect body fantasy
Dealing with Fatphobia
Learning to love and respect your body

Lesson 10
Mindful Movement
The pursuit of pleasurable movement
Recovering from slow metabolism
How much activity and how often?

Lesson 11
Gentle Nutrition
Honouring your body with gentle nutrition
What motivates your food choices
Food Wisdom
How I see
Food Freedom
If there is one thing I’ve learned in the past 14 years of my practice is that every diet or lifestyle change backfires if it’s implemented for the purpose of weight loss. Something I knew for a long time but was too scared to see it. Because how else I can control my weight than through controlling my food and exercise?
It wasn’t until I was fed up with seeing my clients fail. Having them cancel their follow-up season because they simply felt they failed and didn’t want to face the reality in person. Then driven by my own hormonal healing journey and failed dieting attempts I searched for a new and gentle way how to be myself again. How to live life in the present and stop being afraid of every single bite I took, seeing food as an escape or punishment.
Food Freedom for life is my answer to a healthy body, happy mind and life without dieting.
Yes, being able to eat without guilt, without making up for bad choices or free from fear of how will that bite affects my body. While actually seeing my body reach its natural weight, my hormones and health improve and my mind is calm.
Food Freedom for Life guides you back into trusting your inner wisdom and intuition rather than following rigid rules and external advice that are often inflexible and unsustainable in the long term. Often the major cause of hormonal imbalance, weight cycling and anxiety leading to deeper physical and mental health problems.
Food Freedom for Life is rooted in the Intuitive Eating Self -Care Framework by Elyse Resch and Evelyn Tribole and evidence-based nutrition to help you balance and support your health providing you with a unique set of skills entirely based on your current body needs and emotional state so you know what’s best for you at any moment.
The only flexible and sustainable way to live in a healthy body and mind is to rid yourself of external rules and restrictions, learn to tune into your body cues and needs and react to them with compassion & curiosity. Treating your body and mind with kindness truly creates life-long happiness.
Food Freedom for Life is helping you deepen and expand your relationship with your body, make peace with food and take back charge of your health with consideration of your current needs.
What would it feel like if you would be never on a diet again?
Look at your life right now and imagine what would it look like to achieve Food Freedom?
Deborah's Intuitive Eating Journey

Owner of Life Beyond Body Size
Registered Nutritionist
Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor

Twelve Weekly Group Coaching Sessions: $720.00 NZD value
Lifetime Membership in our Facebook Private group: $500.00 NZD value
Lifetime access to Food Freedom For Life Online Course: $599.00 NZD value
Total value: $1819.00 NZD
Your Price: $797.00 NZD
You’ve got options for payment:
One-time Payment: 797.00 NZD
Monthly Plan: 3x297.00 NZD