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Meet Vera
Hi, I am Vera, a mum, wife, sister and a bit of a perfectionist. My list of projects is ever-growing and my husband's cortisol spikes when he sees me with a drill in one hand and a tape measure in the other.
I moved to NZ from the Czech Republic 12 years ago and every day waking up to a dream life.

The Movement
Already at University, I was looking at the caloric tables and portion guidelines with a bit of scepticism. Asking myself - how can someone stick to years of self-induced regime to become healthy and stay healthy and happy? Wouldn't this sooner or later end up in us rebelling and despite knowing what's good for us not following the plan?
I was speaking from experience. I knew what makes a healthy diet, I knew what fods are better than others but somehow when it came to the end of the day, being exhausted and touched out after a long day the last thing I wanted to eat was a salad!
My decade-long hunt for the answer to my question has begun.
How can I help women in primenopause and beyond to eat healthily without pressure, while maintaining a social life, enjoying pleasurable food and creating a long healthy life?
The MENO Clinic NZ was born.

Have it ALL
I wanted to have it all, and so did my clients.
When I moved from the classic - portion guidelines, calorie counting and dieting after a little while I experienced something wonderful - a Freedom from food.
Food became part of my life, no longer its alpha and omega.
I became healthier without trying hard, I wanted to naturally eat things that made me feel better, my anxiety disappeared alongside emotional eating and I found a way to live and HAVE IT ALL!
In the past 15 years, I helped over 1000 women step away from the mainstream diet, change their relationship with food and allow their bodies to heal from the inside out.

The past few years especially belong to women struggling with hormonal and body changes through perimenopause and menopause.
Supporting them with non-diet lifestyle nutrition to balance hormones and seeing them feel like themselves again is making my life's mission complete.
2009 Graduation from Regeneration and Nutrition in Sport MU Brno, Czech Republic
2010 Eating Disorder Care and Nutrition
2015 Eating Psychology cert.
2020 Intuitive Eating Counsellor Postgraduate
2024 Menopause Health Coach Certification
Lifestyle Nutrition for Perimenopause and Menopause
Perimenopause and Menopause Weight management
Emotional and Binge eating Therapy
Healing Hormonal Imbalances and supporting a healthy metabolism

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